Can I make up my AICE exam dates?
Please look over the exam timetable to see when your AICE exams are scheduled. Cambridge sets the dates and there are no make ups. The start times for exams are determined by Cambridge Key Times which ensure AICE exam security. Our school's Key Times are 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, which means a student must be under Centre Supervision at those times.
How do I register for the June 2022 exam series?
Deadline to register: June 2022 exam series. Contact your Cambridge exams officer to register. Pre-order grade transcripts: June 2022 series. Transcripts will be sent automatically when results are released in August. Plan your review: For June 2022 exam series, plan your review and practice schedule for the coming months.
How to prepare for Cambridge exams 2022?
Contact your Cambridge exams officer to register. Pre-order grade transcripts: June 2022 series. Transcripts will be sent automatically when results are released in August. Plan your review: For June 2022 exam series, plan your review and practice schedule for the coming months. Review command words commonly used in Cambridge exams.
When do IGCSE grades come out for 2022?
Grades available: June 2022 exam series IGCSE results released. Send exam grades: Seniors should send AS & A Level exam grades to their college or university, if they haven’t already. Final certificates sent: June 2022 series certificates are mailed.

What happens if you fail an AICE test?
If you fail an AICE examination it does not impact the level of credit you receive for passing the course. Therefore, you still receive the necessary credit toward the local high school diploma. However, you will not have earned a credit toward the AICE Diploma.
How many marks do you need to pass an AICE exam?
Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction: awarded to students with a score of 360 points or above.
How long is the AICE general paper exam?
Paper 1 – Essay Written Paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks, weighting: 50 per cent There are 10 questions in total.
What is the pass rate for AICE English Language?
Overall, the percentage of AICE assessments receiving passing scores increased by two percentage points, from 82% in 2019-2020 to 84% in 2020-2021.
Is AICE harder than AP?
Students frequently report that AICE classes are easier than IB or AP classes, and many complete their AICE diploma by the end of 10th grade.
Do AICE classes boost GPA?
Honors classes increase the points awarded by 0.5 for everything except a grade of F, while AP, IB, and AICE classes increase the points awarded by 1.0 for everything except a grade of F. You can access a GPA calculator that allows for easy computation of weighted GPAs.
Will there be Cambridge exams in 2022?
Cambridge Assessment International Education Examinations - October/November 2022.
What time do AICE scores come out 2022?
The CAS expects to release all results for the April/May 2022 sitting on or before June 24, 2022. Results will be released between 11:00am and 12:00pm ET. Candidates will be notified via email when their exam results are available.
How long is the AICE travel and tourism test?
Paper 1 and Paper 2 are now equally weighted at both Cambridge International AS and A Level. We have reduced the number of marks for Paper 1 to 75 marks and the duration to 2 hours.
What is a good AICE score?
Passing grades available on AICE exams range from A to E with A being the highest. Performance of students below threshold of a CIE grade of E received a grade of U, ungraded, which is not considered passing. CIE grade of E most closely correlates with an Advanced Placement (AP) exam grade of 3 and a US grade of C.
How many students get A * in A-levels 2022?
In 2022,14.6 percent of students in the United Kingdom achieved the highest possible grade (an A*) in their A-Levels, with more than a quarter of entries achieving an B, the most common individual grade level in this year.
How many people fail CAE?
The number of people who pass or fail the CAE exam varies from country to country but based on global statistics only less than 5% fail the exam completely. 20% of the candidates get a B2 grade.
What is a good AICE score?
Passing grades available on AICE exams range from A to E with A being the highest. Performance of students below threshold of a CIE grade of E received a grade of U, ungraded, which is not considered passing. CIE grade of E most closely correlates with an Advanced Placement (AP) exam grade of 3 and a US grade of C.
What is the pass mark for Cambridge exams?
The maximum achievable score for Cambridge English: Advanced is 210. Candidates with scores from 193 to 199 will receive a grade B. Those scoring between180 and 192 will receive a grade C.
What is a passing grade in Cambridge?
AICE Exam Grades for AICE, AS Level Courses are reported “A, B, C, D, or E” (passing) and “U" (ungraded/not passing). A “U” (Ungraded) signifies a student has not reached the standard required for a pass.
How many points do you need to pass AICE psychology?
To achieve the Cambridge AICE Diploma, learners must achieve a minimum of seven credits also referred to as exam points (including Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally Group 4) to be awarded the Diploma.
Information about our June and November series exam series
Our schools in different countries are still facing different challenges because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some have reopened and are now teaching full timetables with no disruption. Others are open but face the disruption of new restrictions and possibly reduced teaching and learning.
Exam timetables for Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International A Level and Cambridge Pre-U
Sometimes, we need to revise the final timetable after it has been published. Please check the version available on this page regularly. You can find the version number at the bottom of the page of your selected timetable. We will tell you about any changes we make to the timetable in the Exams Officer eNewsletter.