Full Answer
Can I make up my AICE exam dates?
Please look over the exam timetable to see when your AICE exams are scheduled. Cambridge sets the dates and there are no make ups. The start times for exams are determined by Cambridge Key Times which ensure AICE exam security. Our school's Key Times are 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, which means a student must be under Centre Supervision at those times.
When will the ICAR AIEEA 2022 exam be held?
The National Testing Agency - NTA has announced the dates for the ICAR AIEEA, AICE 2022 Exam Dates, which will be held in Sept 2022. Along with announcing the examination dates for ICAR Entrance Tests, the exam authority has also extended the application date or timeline for the same online until 26th August 2022.
When will the AIEEA exam be held this year?
According to the official notification, the AIEEA (UG) exam is scheduled to be held on September 13,14 and 15. The AIEEA (PG) and AICE JRF/SRF (Ph.D) exams will be conducted on September 20 this year. Read | Data Science, Electric Transportation, Design and more: List of new courses lunched by IITs this year
What is Cambridge AICE?
The Cambridge AICE Program offers a rigorous, internationally-recognized, college preparatory program for high school students. Students earn college credits, while being taught the critical thinking skills that are needed for life after high school. Cambridge AICE classes have critical thinking at its core.

What happens if you miss an AICE exam?
What if I miss an AICE examination? There is no make-up examination within the same testing session; therefore, the candidate would need to retake the test the following session in the next school year.
What is a passing grade on the AICE exam?
An ungraded mark on an AICE exam is not a passing mark. Only scores of a-e are passing. The score of "e" can be looked at as equivalent to the "AP" grade of 3. It is passing to count towards the AICE diploma and would grant college credit.
Is C passing in AICE?
The lowest passing grade of E is equivalent to a US grade of C or a 3 on an Advanced Placement examination. Points awarded for grades The Cambridge AICE Diploma is awarded on a points system, so each grade is converted to a number of points.
What is the pass rate for AICE general paper?
AICE exam participation in BCPS increased by 3,169 (18%) from 2019-20 to 2020-21. This trend continues from 2018-19 to 2019-20 which showed a 2,831 (20%) increase. The passing rate decreased by 5.4 percentage points in the 2020-21 school year compared to 2019-20, from 88.8% in 2019-20 to the current rate of 83.4%.
Are AICE classes harder than AP?
Students frequently report that AICE classes are easier than IB or AP classes, and many complete their AICE diploma by the end of 10th grade.
Do AICE classes boost GPA?
Plus, according to studies by the University of Florida and University of Virginia, it also appears that AICE Diploma students earn higher GPAs in college than AP or IB students do.
What is the highest AICE score?
Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction: awarded to students with a score of 360 points or above. The maximum Diploma score is 420 points.
Do AICE classes give college credit?
The AICE courses and their corresponding examinations are equivalent to first year college and university courses. Students may earn college credit for each examination they pass.
Is pre AICE better than honors?
Schools in the US are more likely to recognize AP or IBas more rigorous than AICE, but the AICE curriculum is still typically considered more rigorous than Honors or Dual Enrollment courses.
Is AICE business hard?
AICE courses aren't as difficult as AP or IB courses. AICE courses don't often prepare students for success on required SATII subject tests. Like the IB diploma, students within an AICE program take a variety of different level exams with specific subject area distributions with an option to earn an AICE Diploma.
Does AICE general paper count as a college credit?
What is AICE English General Paper? AICE English General Paper is an English class that counts towards Florida graduation requirements and gives students an opportunity to earn a college elective credit at no cost to families.
How many college credits is an AICE class?
Q: What are the benefits of AICE? A: AICE not only prepares students to enter college with up to 30 hours of credit, it also provides them with the skills required to be successful once there.
What is the pass mark for Cambridge exams?
The maximum achievable score for Cambridge English: Advanced is 210. Candidates with scores from 193 to 199 will receive a grade B. Those scoring between180 and 192 will receive a grade C.
What is a passing grade in Cambridge?
MERIT is awarded if a student obtains grade C(c) or above in five subjects and grade F(f) or above in two further subjects; PASS is awarded if a student obtains grade G(g) or above in seven subjects.
How are Cambridge exams graded?
Introducing the Cambridge English Scale In the live exams, each of the skills and Use of English are equally weighted, and a candidate's overall score is calculated by adding all of the individual scores together and dividing by five (and then rounding to the nearest whole number).
What does P mean for AICE diploma?
June 2022 scores will be released on August 11, 2022. Understanding scores: Letter grades of a through e are passing scores, "Ungraded" means a student did not earn enough points to pass the exam. For the diplomas: scores of D, M, and P are PASSING diploma marks. D = with distinction, M = with merit and P = pass.
Information about our June and November series exam series
Our schools in different countries are still facing different challenges because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some have reopened and are now teaching full timetables with no disruption. Others are open but face the disruption of new restrictions and possibly reduced teaching and learning.
Exam timetables for Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International A Level and Cambridge Pre-U
Sometimes, we need to revise the final timetable after it has been published. Please check the version available on this page regularly. You can find the version number at the bottom of the page of your selected timetable. We will tell you about any changes we make to the timetable in the Exams Officer eNewsletter.