What is the 2021-2022 professional personnel Schedule C Alabama Community College?
2. 3. 2021-2022 Professional Personnel Schedule C Alabama Community College System If a person holds an earned doctorate from an accredited institution, add $2,000 to salary. Individuals will be placed on the appropriate schedule~ based upon their level of responsibility at the institution.
What is initial placement on a salary schedule?
Initial placement on all salary schedules shall give a ll community and technical college and Adult Education employees full credit for prior work experience in the public schools, colleges, and adult education programs of Alabama.
What is the “year completed” for the salary schedules?
For the purposes of the Salary Schedules, a “year completed” shall equate to at least nine months of full-time employment during the respective Salary Schedule/ Academic Year (beginning either with the Fall Semester or September 1).
What is the contract year for schedule 0·3 employees?
The contract year for Schedule 0·3 employees Is 229 days. The 0-3 employees are entitled to S personal days per year and 1 day of sick leave per month, cumulative. Initial placement on the schedule which gives credit for prior experience outside of public education in Alabama must be approved by the Chancellor.
How many months of full time employment is considered a year completed?
How many hours per week does a permanent support worker work?
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Notwithstanding the foregoing, n all circumstances the President must ensure that i applicable law, such as the Students First Act, and applicable policy and guidelines are
Salary Schedule Guidelines - Alabama Community College System
SALARY SCHEDULE GUIDELINES THE ALABAMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM 2018-2019 1. The Alabama Community College System Salary Schedules adopted by the Alabama
Salary Schedule Guidelines - ACCS
SALARY SCHEDULE GUIDELINES . THE ALABAMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM . 2020-2021 . 1. The Alabama Community College System adopted by the Alabama Salary Schedules
Ala Community College System Salaries - Alabama
Ala Community College System Salaries . Highest salary at Ala Community College System in year 2018 was $288,000. Number of employees at Ala Community College System in year 2018 was 96.
2019-2020 Salary Schedule Guidelines - ACCS
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all circumstances the President must ensure that applicable law, such as the Students First Act, and applicable policy and guidelines are
Alabama Community College System Schedule B 2019-2020 91,457 93,392 ...
2. 3. 2019-2020 Professional Personnel Schedule C Alabama Community College System If a person holds an earned doctorate from an accredited institution, add $2,000 to salary.
How many months of full time employment is considered a year completed?
7. For the purposes of the Salary Schedules, a “year completed” shall equate to at least nine months of full-time employment during the respective Salary Schedule/ Academic Year (beginning either with the Fall Semester or September 1).
How many hours per week does a permanent support worker work?
6. Permanent support employees who work from twenty (20) to forty (40) hours per week but less than fifty-two weeks per year shall be paid amounts which equate on a pro ratabasis
How many months of full time employment is considered a year completed?
7. For the purposes of the Salary Schedules, a “year completed” shall equate to at least nine months of full-time employment during the respective Salary Schedule/ Academic Year (beginning either with the Fall Semester or September 1).
How many hours per week does a permanent support worker work?
6. Permanent support employees who work from twenty (20) to forty (40) hours per week but less than fifty-two weeks per year shall be paid amounts which equate on a pro ratabasis