Are all courses in the 2021-22 ACC catalog offered each semester?
Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered each semester. This information is made available to students as early as possible prior to the beginning of each semester. Please frequently refer to the online 2021-22 ACC Catalog so you are aware of the latest and most accurate information.
What are the dates for the 2021-22 admissions process?
10 Weeks: May 31, 2022 – Aug. 8, 2022 9 Weeks: May, 2022 – August 1, 2021 First 5 Weeks: May 31, 2022 – July 1, 2022 Second 5 Weeks: July 5, 2022 – Aug. 8, 2022 New students who complete the admissions process no later than two weeks prior to the start of registration have the best selection of advising, assessment, and course availability.
What are the available course schedules for 2022?
Available Course Schedules 2022 Spring Semester January 4th, 2022 - May 31st, 2022 View OnlineDownload 2021 Summer Semester June 1st, 2021 - August 22nd, 2021 View OnlineDownload 2021 Fall Semester
How many weeks are in Fall 2020 ACC?
2020-2021 Fall Fall 2020: Aug 24-Dec 13Standard Sessions 16 Weeks: Aug. 24, 2020 - Dec 13, 2020 12 Weeks: Sept. 21, 2020 – Dec. 13, 2020 First 8 Weeks: Aug. 24, 2020 – Oct. 18, 2020 Second 8 Weeks: Oct. 19, 2020 – Dec. 13, 2020 Skip to main content ACC Campuses and Centersare open to students with in-person classes and essential faculty and staff.

How many weeks are there in the 2021 school year?
12 Weeks: Feb. 15, 2021 – May 16, 2021. First 8 Weeks: Jan. 19, 2021 – Mar. 14, 2021. Second 8 Weeks: Mar. 22, 2021 – May 16, 2021. New students who complete the admissions process no later than two weeks prior to the start of registration have the best selection of advising, assessment, and course availability.
How many weeks are in the fall semester?
Fall semester 16-week and first 8-week sessions begin
How long is the audit process for the fall?
Registration for audit status for fall 14-week session on a space available basis
What time does the office close for winter break?
Offices close at 5 p.m. for Winter Break
What time does the college office open?
All college offices open at 8 a.m.
Does registration for fall sessions continue?
Registration continues for fall sessions that have not yet started
What is ACC Riverbat?
As an ACC Riverbat, you have access to our full suite of personal, financial, and academic support services to help you balance life, work, and school. We offer free tutoring, academic coaching, advising, library services, and more. When life gets busy and complicated, we also offer child care services, emergency financial support, and food pantries on campus. These support programs are the cornerstone to a successful college journey.
What is ACC in Central Texas?
Thousands of Central Texas success stories begin right here. You can make your educational and career goals a reality too. Austin Community College (ACC) offers the support, resources, and affordable options to help you get anywhere you want to go. Visit the Austin Community College website to get started.
Class Schedule Listing
If you need help reading the class schedule or making sense of all the codes, download this guide. Here are some other helpful tips:
Location Codes
AA = Annex ACC CCC Online = CCC Online Class ACR = Castle Rock Campus / Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock AD = Art and Design Center AM = Main Building AN = North Building AON ACC = ACC Online Class APRK = Parker Campus CSB = Church Street Building
Meeting Days
U = Sunday M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday
What is the phone number for the University of Texas at Austin?
You may also make a complaint with The University of Texas at Austin Police Department (UTPD) at 512-471-4441, dial “9” (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) or to the City of Austin Police Department (APD) at 311 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) or to other local law enforcement authorities. APD victim services is available at 512-974-5037. The Title IX Office can help individuals contact these law enforcement agencies. Employees and students with protective or restraining orders relevant to a complaint are encouraged to provide a copy to the UT Police Department.
What is UT planner?
Don’t forget to use the UT Planner! The UT Planner, an online class schedule planning tool for students, was implemented a few years back for all students to utilize! The planner allows students to search for, create, and save a variety of personalized schedule options based on their preferred courses and scheduling breaks. Additionally, the UT Planner gives students the ability to compare up to four schedule options at a time based on their availability during the day.
What is University Compliance Services?
University Compliance Services, through its Department of Investigation and Adjudication, investigates complaints of prohibited conduct involving students, employees, or affiliates under the following policies:
When will financial responsibility statements be available at UT Austin?
Beginning in fall 2021, all students will sign a Financial Responsibility Statement before registering for classes. The goal of the Statement is to be transparent and help you fully understand your role and financial obligation when attending UT Austin. By signing, you acknowledge your responsibility to pay tuition and fees by the payment due date and if you receive financial aid and scholarships, those resources will apply to your tuition. The Financial Responsibility Statement for the spring 2022 semester is now available for you to review and sign here.
Who administers critical disability studies?
Critical Disability Studies ( CDI) will be administered by the Steve Hicks School of Social Work.
Who administers ECE?
Electrical and Computer Engineering ( ECE) will be administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Will UT change its schedule in 2022?
As part of the Spring 2022 planning process, the UT course schedule will continue to change as we head into the spring. These changes may affect the instructional mode, instructor, time or location of some classes. We strongly encourage you to review your course schedule regularly throughout the rest of the spring for additional updates.