How old is the letter A?
The letter A is derived from the Phoenician letter aleph—a western Semitic word referring to the aforementioned beast of burden. Aleph can be traced back to the Middle Bronze Age and the Proto-Sinaitic script found in parts of Egypt and Canaan from around 1850 BCE (Before the Common Era).
Why are there 2 types of A?
“The TL;DR is that it's basically a historical accident: There were loads of variations of the letter 'a' and one became standard in printing while a less fancy one became standard in handwriting, presumably because people are lazy when they have to do things by hand,” writes Reddit user F0sh.
Is A letter A symbol?
A letter is a segmental symbol of a phonemic writing system. The inventory of all letters forms an alphabet. Letters broadly correspond to phonemes in the spoken form of the language, although there is rarely a consistent and exact correspondence between letters and phonemes.
What kind of word is A?
"A" and "an" are indefinite articles that precede nouns or the adjectives modifying nouns. In English grammar, "a" and "an" are determiners, meaning they specify the identity or quantity of something, and for both words, that quantity is "one"—the word from which they're derived.
Why is the letter A?
The name of the letter in the Phoenician period resembled the Hebrew name aleph meaning “ox”; the form is thought to derive from an earlier symbol resembling the head of an ox. The letter was taken over by the Greeks in the form of alpha.
What is the fancy letter A called?
The Italic form, also called script a, is used in most current handwriting; it consists of a circle and vertical stroke on the right ("ɑ").
What is the A to Z alphabet?
The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
What is the 27th letter in the alphabet?
The ampersand, also known as the and sign, is the logogram &, representing the conjunction "and". It originated as a ligature of the letters et—Latin for "and".
What letter V means?
In the International Phonetic Alphabet, /v/ represents the voiced labiodental fricative.
Is the letter A a word?
"A" is the indefinite article. 2. Strictly speaking, every letter is a word.
WHAT is A in grammar?
English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article. the = definite article. a/an = indefinite article.
What's the meaning of type A?
The phrase "Type A" refers to a pattern of behavior and personality associated with high achievement, competitiveness, and impatience, among other characteristics. In particular, the positive traits of a Type A personality include: Self-control. Motivation to achieve results.
What is the difference between a type and a category?
Rule of Thumb: when you need to clasify a thing, use Type if it can be of only one Type, and Category if can have more than one.
What is the difference between kind of and type of?
The word 'Type' is used to show the category or sub-division within a bigger or complete thing. The use of preposition 'of' after the word 'kind' tells us that the sentence have complete meaning. Type refers to clearly distinct and essential traits shared by members of a group. Its root meaning is “impression”.
What is the difference between type and classification?
Classification means arranging or organizing something based on shared or common characteristics. For example: hydrocarbons are classified into Acyclic or open chain hydrocarbons and Cyclic hydrocarbons. Type is used also to classify a group together while also describing the variety in the main group.
Is type and characteristics the same?
Type is a specific tangible brand name given to an object. Character is an intangible mode that adds meaning to an object.
What is the initial of azole?
perhaps from -a- in ring compounds such as thiazole (in which -a- is the initial of azole)
What does "h" mean in the dictionary?
h —used before the name of a person (such as a famous artist) when the name is being used to refer to something (such as a painting) created by that person Her violin is a Stradivarius. i —used before a family name to show that someone is a member of that family To be a Kennedy is to lead two lives …. — Margaret Carlson.
What does "I" mean before a family name?
i —used before a family name to show that someone is a member of that family To be a Kennedy is to lead two lives … — Margaret Carlson
What type of letter is A?
Typographic variants. Different glyphs of the lowercase letter A. During Roman times, there were many variant forms of the letter "A". First was the monumental or lapidary style, which was used when inscribing on stone or other "permanent" media.
What does capital A mean in geometry?
are used to denote segments, lines, rays, etc. A capital A is also typically used as one of the letters to represent an angle in a triangle, the lowercase a representing the side opposite angle A.
What is the Roman form?
The Roman form is used in most printed material; it consists of a small loop with an arc over it ("a"). Both derive from the majuscule (capital) form. In Greek handwriting, it was common to join the left leg and horizontal stroke into a single loop, as demonstrated by the uncial version shown.
What is the first letter of the alphabet?
t. e. A, or a , is the first letter and the first vowel letter of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Its name in English is a (pronounced / ˈeɪ / ), plural aes. It is similar in shape to the Ancient Greek letter alpha, from which it derives.
Who invented the convention of representing unknowns in equations by x, y, and z?
Moreover, in 1637, René Descartes "invented the convention of representing unknowns in equations by x, y, and z, and knowns by a, b, and c", and this convention is still often followed, especially in elementary algebra. In geometry, capital A, B, C etc. are used to denote segments, lines, rays, etc.
What is italic script?
The Italic form, also called script a, is used in most current handwriting and consists of a circle and vertical stroke.
What does "a" mean in a sentence?
any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small.
What is a reduced, unstressed form of auxiliary?
a reduced, unstressed form of auxiliary have following some modals, as might, should, could, would, and must (usually written as part of a single, unhyphenated word): We shoulda gone.
What is the word before a consonant sound?
Before a consonant sound, a is used; before a vowel sound, an : a book, a rose; an apple, an opera. Problems arise occasionally when the following word begins with a vowel letter but actually starts with a consonant sound, or vice versa.
What does "grade" mean in music?
the first in order or in a series. Sometimes a . (in some grading systems) a grade or mark, as in school or college, indicating the quality of a student's work as excellent or superior. (in some school systems) a symbol designating the first semester of a school year. Music.
What is the first letter of the English alphabet?
the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel. any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small. a written or printed representation of the letter A or a. a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a.
What is the meaning of "a major blood group"?
a major blood group, usually enabling a person whose blood is of this type to donate blood to persons of group A or AB and to receive blood from persons of O or A.Compare ABO system.
What does "indefinitely" mean?
indefinitely or nonspecifically (used with adjectives expressing number): a great many years; a few stars.
What is the first letter of the English alphabet called?from glosbe.com
Letter adjective Article verb noun numeral symbol pronoun interjection adverb adposition /eɪ/ ə. The first letter of the English alphabet, called a and written in the Latin script. +52 definitions.
Which philosopher believed that the impetus of a body increased with the speed with which it was set in motion?from glosbe.com
Buridan further held that the impetus of a body increased with the speed with which it was set in motion, and with its quantity of matter.
Why was the cohort usually on guard during the games withdrawn?from glosbe.com
At the end of the year the cohort usually on guard during the games was withdrawn, that there might be a greater show of freedom, that the soldiery too might be less demoralised when no longer in contact with the licence of the theatre, and that it might be proved whether the populace, in the absence of a guard, would maintain their self-control.
What does "a" mean in the dictionary?
Not to be confused with Å (disambiguation). Look up A in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A is the first letter of the Latin and English alphabet. A may also refer to:
Who is the author of A?
Books. "A", a major poem by twentieth century author Louis Zukofsky. a, A Novel, by twentieth century artist Andy Warhol. A, the name of the Fourth Raikage, the leader of Kumogakure in the Naruto manga series. A ( Pretty Little Liars), the main antagonist in the Pretty Little Liars book and TV series.
What is the romanized name of the Hiragana syllable?
A (cuneiform), the romanized name of a cuneiform sign. A (Cyrillic) (A or а), the first letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. A (kana) (or a), the romanized name of the Hiragana syllable letter あ and of the Katakana syllable letter ア used in Japanese, which may also be used to represent Asia.
What is a Ford Model A?
Ford Model A, a name used by two separate cars produced by the Ford Motor Company: Ford Model A (1903–04) Ford Model A (1927–31) Geometry A, an electric mid-size sedan by Geely Auto.
What is the name of the TV show with the character A?
A, the main antagonist and unknown character of the show Pretty Little Liars. "A" ( The Walking Dead), an episode of the television series The Walking Dead. A, code name of Ange, the main protagonist of the anime show Princess Principal.
What is the name of the short film about a Buddhist sect called?
A (1998 Kannada film), an Indian movie directed by Upendra. A (1998 Japanese film), a documentary film about a Buddhist sect called "A". A (2002 film), a British documentary film.
What is the symbol for Mills' constant?
Universal affirmative, one of the four types of categorical proposition in logic. Mills' constant is represented by the symbol A . Glaisher–Kinkelin constant is also often represented by the symbol A.
What does the accent circonflex mean?from rocketlanguages.com
The accent circonflex indicates that (historically) an "s" used to follow that vowel e.g. écouter and escouter
What does PDF stand for?from howtotypeanything.com
This guide will teach you how to type on a PDF or edit a PDF document. PDF stands for "Portable Document Format", and it is basically a file format created to help share documents across different...
How to pronounce the letter A in French?from thoughtco.com
How to Pronounce the French Letter 'A'. The pronunciation of the letter 'A' in French is fairly straightforward. It is usually pronounced more or less like the 'A' in "father," but with the lips wider in French than in English: listen . An 'A' with the accent grave à is pronounced the same way. The 'A' is sometimes pronounced further back in ...
What does the accent tréma mean?from rocketlanguages.com
The accent tréma indicates that the vowel is to be pronounced separately from the one immediately before it.
What is the cédille in the vowels?from rocketlanguages.com
4 for vowels. 1. The cédille (cedilla) Ç. The cédille is only used on the letter C. It changes a hard "c" sound (like "k") into a soft "c" sound (like "s"). Ç is never used before the vowels e or i, as these 2 vowels always produce a soft "s" sound ( glace, ici ).
What is passive infinitive?from thoughtco.com
Passive infinitive : a grammatical structure in which something other than a verb needs to be followed by à + infinitive.
What is an accent for kids?from merriam-webster.com
Kids Definition of accent (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a way of pronouncing words shared by the people of a particular country or region. 2 : greater stress or force given to a syllable of a word in speaking or to a beat in music. 3 : a mark (as ˈ or ˌ) used in writing or printing to show the place of greater stress on a syllable.
What is HTML in a document?from html.com
It is not a programming language, but rather a language that identifies the meaning, purpose, and structure of text within a document. For example, consider this document:
What is the W3C?from html.com
The W3C provides an official Markup Validation Service, which allows you to quickly check your pages against the HTML5 specification (and older specs too, if you like).
What is HTML5?from educba.com
HTML5 is the 5 th version or update of HTML . This is the most advanced HTML programming. In this version lot of tags were added to make the designer’s life easier. A basic website contains 3 types of codes.
What is the href attribute?from w3schools.com
The href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.
Can applications be used internally?from educba.com
Applications can be used internally, which is nothing but localhost and can also be seen in browsers.
Does everyone interact with the web the same way you do?from html.com
Not everyone interacts with the web the same way you do.
Is HTML a media?from html.com
HTML was originally created for (hyper-)text documents, with perhaps a few images, not rich media pages with audio and video.
What is an AA?from en.wikipedia.org
aa .org. Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA) is an international mutual aid fellowship, with a primary purpose of enabling alcoholics to become and remain sober and help other alcoholics to do the same. It is non-professional, non-denominational, self-supporting, and apolitical, with its sole requirement for membership being an avowed desire ...
What does Stanton Peele say about AA?from en.wikipedia.org
Stanton Peele argued that some AA groups apply the disease model to all problem drinkers, whether or not they are "full-blown" alcoholics . Along with Nancy Shute, Peele has advocated that besides AA, other options should be readily available to those problem drinkers who are able to manage their drinking with the right treatment. The Big Book says "moderate drinkers" and "a certain type of hard drinker" are able to stop or moderate their drinking. The Big Book suggests no program for these drinkers, but instead seeks to help drinkers without "power of choice in drink."
What is the book cover of Alcoholics Anonymous?from en.wikipedia.org
Alcoholics Anonymous. The book cover of Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th edition . AA derives its name from the title of this book and is written by AA members. Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA) is an international mutual aid fellowship, with a primary purpose of enabling alcoholics to become and remain sober and help other alcoholics to do the same.
What is the scorecard for AA effectiveness in terms of specificity?from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
What, then, is the scorecard for AA effectiveness in terms of specificity? Among the rigorous experimental studies, there were two positive findings for AA effectiveness , one null finding, and one negative finding. Among those that statistically addressed selection bias, there were two contradictory findings, and two studies that reported significant effects for AA after adjusting for potential confounders such as motivation to change. Readers must judge for themselves whether their interpretation of these results, on balance, supports a recommendation that there is no experimental evidence of AA effectiveness (as put forward by the Cochrane review). As for the scorecard for the other criteria, the evidence for AA effectiveness is quite strong: Rates of abstinence are about twice as high among those who attend AA (criteria 1, magnitude); higher levels of attendance are related to higher rates of abstinence (criteria 2, dose-response); these relationships are found for different samples and follow-up periods (criteria 3, consistency); prior AA attendance is predictive of subsequent abstinence (criteria 4, temporal); and mechanisms of action predicted by theories of behavior change are evident at AA meetings and through the AA steps and fellowship (criteria 6, plausibility).
How to demonstrate specificity of AA?from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The specificity of the association must be demonstrated. One must be able to rule out other explanations than AA exposure for having led to abstinence. This addresses the concern that those who attend AA are a select sample who would be sober anyway, without ever going to AA. For example, if those who attend AA are highly motivated to do something about their drinking, it could be that this motivation is the cause of their abstinence; it would be unfair to credit AA for their successful outcome. Evidence of specificity ideally requires experimental manipulation of exposure to AA. For example, individuals in a study might be randomized to attend AA or to attend psychotherapy; they do not select their treatment. Because of randomization, motivated people would end up being randomized both to psychotherapy and to AA, so it would not be the case that the “deck was stacked” in favor of AA. If those randomized to attend AA were more likely than those randomized to psychotherapy to be abstinent 2 years later, this would demonstrate an effect specific to AA that could not be due to a selection bias in which only motivated people attend AA. Randomization would also equalize other pre-existing conditions (known and unknown) that might confound AA’s effect.
What is the AA Grapevine?from en.wikipedia.org
Literature. Alcoholics Anonymous publishes several books, reports, pamphlets, and other media, including a periodical known as the AA Grapevine. Two books are used primarily: Alcoholics Anonymous (the "Big Book") and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the latter explaining AA's fundamental principles in depth.
What does the Big Book say about alcoholism?from en.wikipedia.org
AA's Big Book calls alcoholism "an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer." Ernest Kurtz says this is "The closest the book Alcoholics Anonymous comes to a definition of alcoholism." Somewhat divergently in his introduction to The Big Book, non-member and early benefactor William Silkworth said those unable to moderate their drinking suffer from an allergy. In presenting the doctor's postulate, AA said "The doctor's theory that we have an allergy to alcohol interests us. As laymen, our opinion as to its soundness may, of course, mean little. But as ex-problem drinkers, we can say that his explanation makes good sense. It explains many things for which we cannot otherwise account." AA later acknowledged that "alcoholism is not a true allergy, the experts now inform us." Wilson explained in 1960 why AA had refrained from using the term "disease":

A, or a, is the first letter and the first vowel of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Its name in English is a , plural aes. It is similar in shape to the Ancient Greek letter alpha, from which it derives. The uppercase version consists of the two slanting sides of a triangle, crossed in the middle by a horizontal bar. The lowercase version can be written in two forms: the double-storey a and single-storey ɑ. The latter is commonly used in handwriting and fonts base…
The earliest certain ancestor of "A" is aleph (also written 'aleph), the first letter of the Phoenician alphabet, which consisted entirely of consonants (for that reason, it is also called an abjad to distinguish it from a true alphabet). In turn, the ancestor of aleph may have been a pictogram of an ox head in proto-Sinaitic script influenced by Egyptian hieroglyphs, styled as a triangular head with two …
Use in writing systems
In modern English orthography, the letter ⟨a⟩ represents at least seven different vowel sounds:
• the near-open front unrounded vowel /æ/ as in pad;
• the open back unrounded vowel /ɑː/ as in father, which is closer to its original Latin and Greek sound;
Other uses
In algebra, the letter a along with various other letters of the alphabet is often used to denote a variable, with various conventional meanings in different areas of mathematics. Moreover, in 1637, René Descartes "invented the convention of representing unknowns in equations by x, y, and z, and knowns by a, b, and c", and this convention is still often followed, especially in elementary algebra.
Related characters
• Æ æ : Latin AE ligature
• A with diacritics: Å å Ǻ ǻ Ḁ ḁ ẚ Ă ă Ặ ặ Ắ ắ Ằ ằ Ẳ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ȃ ȃ Â â Ậ ậ Ấ ấ Ầ ầ Ẫ ẫ Ẩ ẩ Ả ả Ǎ ǎ Ⱥ ⱥ Ȧ ȧ Ǡ ǡ Ạ ạ Ä ä Ǟ ǟ À à Ȁ ȁ Á á Ā ā Ā̀ ā̀ Ã ã Ą ą Ą́ ą́ Ą̃ ą̃ A̲ a̲ ᶏ
• Phonetic alphabet symbols related to A (the International Phonetic Alphabet only uses lowercase, but uppercase forms are used in some other writing systems):
Use as a number
In the hexadecimal (base 16) numbering system, A is a number that corresponds to the number 10 in decimal (base 10) counting.
External links
• History of the Alphabet
• Texts on Wikisource: