3-3-4-4 Custody Schedule 3-3-4-4 schedule details:: With a 3-3-4-4 physical custody schedule, the child spends three days with Parent A, three days with Parent B, and then four days with Parent A, followed by another four days with Parent B.
What is a 3 4 4 3 schedule for child custody?
The 3-4-4-3 schedule is a 50/50 residential schedule that has your child stay with one parent for 3 days of the week, then the other parent for 4 days. The next week it switches, so the first parent has the child for 4 days and the other parent has him or her for 3.
What is the custody schedule for an infant?
There are a number of ways to split up the custody schedule, but your infant should never be away from either parent for more than a few days. Here are some common custody schedules to consider for an infant: 2-2-3 schedule: Your baby spends 2 days with one parent, 2 days with the other parent, and then 3 days with the first parent.
What is a 3-3-4-4 custody schedule?
If you’ve decided that equal custody is the best way forward for your family, then the 3-3-4-4 schedule is a great option. At its most basic, one parent will have the children for three days, then the other parent will have them for three days.
Is a 4-3 custody schedule right for my child?
A 4-3 custody schedule allows a child to see both of their parents frequently. This can be a great advantage for children who have a difficult time being away from either parent for too long, as may be the case with younger kids. Also, only two parenting time exchanges a week can make the transitions a bit easier to manage.
What is joint custody?
How does joint custody work?
What is the purpose of a custody agreement?
What to consider when deciding custody of a baby?
How long does a child stay with a parent?
When is it important to allow kids to have a voice in developing the custody schedule?
Can a parent develop a custody schedule?
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How does a 3/4 schedule work?
The 3-4-4-3 schedule is a 50/50 residential schedule that has your child stay with one parent for 3 days of the week, then the other parent for 4 days. The next week it switches, so the first parent has the child for 4 days and the other parent has him or her for 3.
What is the most common child custody arrangement?
Joint custodyJoint custody, where both parents have custody of all children involved, is preferred and is the most common arrangement, if conditions allow.
What is the best schedule for a split family?
2-2-3 Routines Like a biweekly routine, schedules with a 2-2-3 rotation enables parents to split time with their kids 50/50. In each routine, each parent would have their kids for a couple of days, then they would go to be with the other parent for a couple of days, and the cycle continues from there.
What does a 60/40 split look like?
A 60/40 child custody schedule has the child spend 60 percent of their time with one parent and 40 percent of their time with the other parent. The two most common 60/40 schedules are the every extended weekend schedule and the 4-3 schedule.
What do judges look for in child custody cases?
Mental and Physical Well-Being of Parents Parents' mental well-being is of great concern to a judge in a child custody case. Psychological disorders, overwhelming stress, drug or alcohol abuse, and mental health crises can prevent a parent from acting in their child's best interests.
Why do dads only get every other weekend?
The alternating weekends schedule was established in order to give both parents the opportunity to spend time with their child on weekends.
What age is best for week on week off custody?
The maturity of each child, in addition to the bond between the child and each parent, are just as important as age. Our attorneys have seen 7 year olds handle a week on / week off schedule better than some 11 year old kids. With that being said, one blanket approach won't be beneficial for all.
What is the best custody arrangement for 5 year old?
You should also give your child's social activities and commitments priority whenever possible. Some common custody schedules for 5- to 13-year-olds are: An alternating weekends schedule with a midweek evening visit. An alternating weeks schedule where the child alternates weeks with each parent.
Should co parents spend time together?
While it is generally recognized that co-parenting can provide additional comfort and stability for young children after a divorce, experts suggest that spending too much time together after a divorce can have some potentially-negative effects as well.
How many nights a week is shared custody?
If your child stays overnight with the paying parent at least one night a week, the amount of child maintenance being paid may be reduced. This is 'shared care'. Child Maintenance Service (CMS) will ask both parents for information about their shared care of the child.
What does a 70/30 split look like?
A 70/30 custody schedule looks like this: A child spends 70 percent of his or her time in the care of one parent, and 30 percent of his or her time with the other. Really, it works out to spending two nights out of seven with one parent (and the other five with the other parent).
How many overnights is a 60/40 schedule?
A 60/40 custody schedule means a child spends about 60% of their time in the care of one parent and 40% with the other. That works out to 4 nights per week with the main carer and 3 overnights with the "40% parent".
What age is best for week on week off custody?
The maturity of each child, in addition to the bond between the child and each parent, are just as important as age. Our attorneys have seen 7 year olds handle a week on / week off schedule better than some 11 year old kids. With that being said, one blanket approach won't be beneficial for all.
Which of the following is the least common recommended custodial arrangement?
In some cases, the children live permanently with one parent. In others, the children rotate living with each parent in equal amounts. Split custody is generally disfavored by judges because it's generally not considered beneficial to split up siblings. As such, split custody is the least common type.
What custody arrangement is best for toddlers?
Making a custody schedule for a toddler Your custody schedule should give your toddler frequent contact with both parents and provide both parents opportunities to feed, bathe, play with, read to, arrange playdates for, and put the toddler to sleep. Toddlers can be away from either parent for 2 or 3 days.
Is shared custody good for the child?
The most important benefit of shared custody and joint custody arrangements is that children have two homes. This could provide more security and stability to the children. The children will also continue to have a real family life with the involvement of both parents.
Child Custody Schedules by Age - It's Over Easy
If you’re a parent of a minor child who is going through a divorce, child custody is probably the most important issue you’re facing. When you’re first getting started, it can be overwhelming to learn just how many possibilities there are for your child custody arrangement.
Custody calendar | Child custody | Parenting time | coparently
✓ Online calendar with specific scheduling functionality designed for every type of co-parenting relationship: divorced and separated parents, co-parents, single parents, blended families, joint custody, sole custody, collaborative and high conflict parents.
What is a 3-4-4 schedule?
Creating a 3-3-4-4 schedule can be an appropriate model for many co-parents who are splitting custody. It can allow both parents and children to spend time with each other each week while also minimizing exchanges and disruption to the home life of children.
When sharing custody of children, do you want to create a schedule that prioritizes the needs of the children?
When sharing custody of children, you want to create a schedule that prioritizes the needs of the children while also being practical for co-parents.
How Do You Choose the Right 50/50 Schedules For Custody?
You will want to honestly consider different aspects of your routine, your relationship with your co-parent, and the needs of your children.
How many houses do children have to live in at the same time?
The children have to be able to adapt to living in two separate houses during the same week
When to start 3-4-4?
The same is true if you start the schedule on Sunday.
Do parents need to live close to each other?
Both parents need to live close to the children’s school and fairly close to one another for this schedule to be practical
Can you add a visit to a child's home during the week?
You can add overnight or midweek visits so that your children can still see the other parent during the week
What is a 3-4-4-3 schedule?
The 3-4-4-3 schedule is a 50/50 residential schedule that has your child stay with one parent for 3 days of the week, then the other parent for 4 days. The next week it switches, so the first parent has the child for 4 days and the other parent has him or her for 3.
How to make a custody schedule?
To make a custody schedule quickly and affordably, turn to Custody X Change. You'll get a written schedule and a visual calendar that meet your family's needs, as well as court standards.
When to use 3rd party time?
Use 3rd-party time. You may want to mark 3rd party time when the child isn't with either parent. Here is a schedule that shows when the child is at school. Because the school time changes the parenting timeshare, Mom has been given more time on the second Saturday to make the parenting time 50/50.
How long does a child stay with a parent in a 2-2-3 custody arrangement?
2-2-3 Custody Schedule. With a 2-2-3 physical custody schedule, the child resides with Parent A for two days, Parent B for the following two days, and then they spend a long three-day weekend with Parent A. The following week, the routine will flip so that the child resides with Parent B for two days, Parent A for the following two days, ...
What is temporary custody?
If you have previously signed off on a temporary custody order that features a custody schedule that is very unbalanced and doesn’t adequately honor Father-Child time, it could delay the process of securing a more fairly balanced custody schedule.
How many days does a child have to be in custody?
3-3-4-4 Custody Schedule. With a 3-3-4-4 physical custody schedule, the child spends three days with Parent A, three days with Parent B, and then four days with Parent A, followed by another four days with Parent B. You can adjust what days the longer four-day slots should fall on, depending on the child’s scheduling needs and ...
What is 50/50 custody?
While maintaining a 50/50 physical custody arrangement, the benefit would be alternating long weekends and equal amount of weekdays. This could be a beneficial schedule for a child of toddler years. As the child grows older, longer stays with each parent can create greater stability.
How long does a child stay with parent A?
With a 2-2-5-5 physical custody schedule, the child resides with Parent A for two days, then Parent B for two days, and then the following five days with Parent A, and then the following five days with Parent B. This provides a longer weekend and stay at each parent’s residence. You may want to adjust what days the 5-day slot falls on, depending on the child’s scheduling needs and the parents’ availability. One big factor that parents want to consider when the child is enrolled full-time in school, is aligning the start of a school week with the start of an exchange.
Custody schedules for infants
The most important thing to keep in mind when making a custody schedule for an infant is that the child needs very frequent contact with both parents. This requires quite a bit of back and forth, but it is crucial for your child.
Custody schedules for toddlers
The most important thing to keep in mind when making a custody schedule for a toddler is that they still need frequent visits with each parent, but they may also have difficulty with transitions. It is best to keep the custody schedule as consistent as possible, while allowing both parents to see the toddler every 2 to 3 days.
Custody schedules for kids
As your kids get a little older, you will begin juggling more of their activities and events. Your child may also start to form an opinion on how often they want to transition between your home and your co-parent’s home.
Custody schedules for teens
Once your child enters their teenage years, it’s important to reevaluate your custody schedule. By this point in your child’s life, you have probably tried a few different arrangements and/or splits based on the needs of all involved.
Keeping track of the custody schedule
A co-parenting communication service, like TalkingParents, can help you manage your custody schedule in one, secure place. We offer a Shared Calendar feature, which allows you and your co-parent to keep track of details related to your child’s schedule, including custody exchanges.
What is joint custody?
Custody can be physical, legal, or both. When parents share joint legal custody, they both have a say in major decisions regarding the child's life, such as education, religious upbringing, and medical care . When parents have joint physical custody, their children spend roughly an equal amount of time living in each of their homes, although it doesn't necessarily have to be an exact 50/50 split.
How does joint custody work?
When parents have joint physical custody, their children spend time living in each of their homes , although it doesn't necessarily have to be an exact 50/50 split. 1. These six joint custody schedules provide for almost equal time for the kids with both parents. You can tweak and adjust the schedules to meet your family's unique needs .
What is the purpose of a custody agreement?
Having an official parenting plan with a detailed custody schedule makes it easier for attorneys, mediators, and the judge to make sense of your goals as well as determine if your schedule in the best interest of the children.
What to consider when deciding custody of a baby?
So, as you decide on your custody schedule, be sure to consider the ages and needs of all your children. It could be that babies would adjust better if they were with a primary caregiver for all overnights, but had daytime visits with the secondary caregiver on a regular basis.
How long does a child stay with a parent?
This routine is similar to the 3-3-4-4 schedule, but the children reside with Parent A for two days, then Parent B for two days, followed by five days with Parent A and five days with Parent B.
When is it important to allow kids to have a voice in developing the custody schedule?
Once kids are in upper elementary school and beyond, it's important to allow them to have a voice in developing the custody schedule. 2
Can a parent develop a custody schedule?
For this reason, parents are often left to develop a custody schedule on their own. There are a number of different ways that a custody schedule for 50/50 joint physical custody can be written. When selecting a custody schedule for your family, it's important to customize the schedule to meet the family's needs, ...
What is a 3-4-4-3 Parenting Schedule?
For many, the “normal” schedule is established, and then the plan is further refined to address special occasions like holidays and vacations. One custody and parenting plan that works for some families is the 3-4-4-3 schedule.
What is the parenting schedule for divorce?
Many families have a shared parenting schedule, where their children spend significant time with each parent. For many, the “normal” schedule is established, and then the plan is further refined to address special occasions like holidays and vacations. One custody and parenting plan that works for some families is the 3-4-4-3 schedule.
What days does the other parent have?
The other parent has Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
How far apart should you keep your custody?
If you live further than 30 minutes apart, you might want to keep each visit longer to reduce the amount of time your child has to spend just traveling from place to place.
Why is time spent with the parent alternated on Saturdays?
In order to keep time equal between the two parents, time spent with the parent is alternated on Saturdays. This schedule can help keep things less disruptive as there are established days of the weeks that the child is at each home, and the duration spent at each home is slightly longer than the 2-2-3 rotation.
What is the rotation for a parent in Plan 7?
This rotation is similar to Plan #7’s 3-3-4-4 Rotation, except that the established home for Parent A is Sunday through Monday, while the established home for Parent B is Tuesday through Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are then alternated between Parents A and B. If Parent A having all the Sundays is an issue, you could also start the rotation on Monday so that it is Friday, Saturday, Sunday that is alternating between the two parents.
How many days does a child spend with parent A?
The child spends three days with Parent A, then four days with Parent B, followed by another four days with Parent A, and then three days with Parent B, and the pattern then restarts. The result is that there is an established home two days of the week for each parent, and then the mid-week can be alternated.
How to divide time?
There are two primary ways to go about dividing up the time. The first is to simply alternate days or weeks. The other is to rotate the days spent at each location . There are 5 variations of the alternating schedule, and 4 of the rotation schedule.
Can you transition between parents on an alternating schedule?
As a general note, when following an alternating schedule, the transition between parents can happen at any time during the week. Work with your co-parent and your kids to find a schedule that works best for you.
Does WeParent have a 50-50 timeshare?
WeParent mobile app easily accommodates all of these types of 50-50 co-parenting schedules, and also supports custom schedules that follow the 50-50 timeshare.
What is 4-3 custody?
A 4-3 custody schedule allows a child to see both of their parents frequently. This can be a great advantage for children who have a difficult time being away from either parent for too long, as may be the case with younger kids. Also, only two parenting time exchanges a week can make the transitions a bit easier to manage.
What are the advantages of a 4-3 custody schedule?
To recap, advantages of a 4-3 custody schedule include: Both parents spend time with their children each week. Flexibility to change which days of the week each parent spend with their child. Limited parenting time transitions each week.
How many days a week does a 4-3 custody rotation take?
A 4-3 custody rotation is a simple way to share parenting time 60/40. In this scenario, one parent will have physical custody four days a week, and the other parent will have physical custody three days a week.
What does custody mean in law?
NOTE: Many state and federal laws use terms like ‘custody’ when referring to arrangements regarding parenting time and decision-making for a child. While this has been the case for many years, these are not the only terms currently used to refer to these topics.
Can a co-parent have custody on weekends?
Some co-parents use this type of schedule to allow one co-parent to have custody just on the weekends, while the other has custody during the week. For families whose schedules aren't as regular each week, some co-parents will mix-and-match their weeks so that they have time with their child for part of the work week and also for part ...
Is 4-3 custody good for all families?
Like all different parenting time arrangements, a 4-3 custody schedule is not for all families. Specifically, it works best for those splitting time 60/40. Parents who plan to share parenting time using a different ratio may find that an arrangement tuned to their parenting time percentages will work best.
What is joint custody?
Custody can be physical, legal, or both. When parents share joint legal custody, they both have a say in major decisions regarding the child's life, such as education, religious upbringing, and medical care . When parents have joint physical custody, their children spend roughly an equal amount of time living in each of their homes, although it doesn't necessarily have to be an exact 50/50 split.
How does joint custody work?
When parents have joint physical custody, their children spend time living in each of their homes , although it doesn't necessarily have to be an exact 50/50 split. 1. These six joint custody schedules provide for almost equal time for the kids with both parents. You can tweak and adjust the schedules to meet your family's unique needs .
What is the purpose of a custody agreement?
Having an official parenting plan with a detailed custody schedule makes it easier for attorneys, mediators, and the judge to make sense of your goals as well as determine if your schedule in the best interest of the children.
What to consider when deciding custody of a baby?
So, as you decide on your custody schedule, be sure to consider the ages and needs of all your children. It could be that babies would adjust better if they were with a primary caregiver for all overnights, but had daytime visits with the secondary caregiver on a regular basis.
How long does a child stay with a parent?
This routine is similar to the 3-3-4-4 schedule, but the children reside with Parent A for two days, then Parent B for two days, followed by five days with Parent A and five days with Parent B.
When is it important to allow kids to have a voice in developing the custody schedule?
Once kids are in upper elementary school and beyond, it's important to allow them to have a voice in developing the custody schedule. 2
Can a parent develop a custody schedule?
For this reason, parents are often left to develop a custody schedule on their own. There are a number of different ways that a custody schedule for 50/50 joint physical custody can be written. When selecting a custody schedule for your family, it's important to customize the schedule to meet the family's needs, ...

3-4-4-3 Schedule Examples
Pros and Cons of The 3-4-4-3 Schedule
- Pros: 1. Parents have the same nights each week, except for one night that switches. 2. Children are able to spend significant time with both parents each week. 3. There are minimal exchanges. 4. Parents have equal time with the children. 5. Each parent has the opportunity help with daily caretaking. 6. The children don't go very long without seein...
The Easiest Way to Make A 3-4-4-3 Schedule
- There's a lot to think about when you build a parenting time schedule. You'll want it to address holidays and school breaks, give the right amount of time to each parent, and work for years to come. The Custody X Change app makes it easy. Just follow the steps to make a common custody schedule. On Step 2, make sure to select the "3-4-4-3" button. To make a custody sched…