What are Amish mud sales?
Amish Mud Sales are a Lancaster County original tradition and refer to annual auctions or sales of Amish goods at a number of local fire companies. The sales attract thousands of people looking for bargains on anything from Amish quilts and antiques to lumber, buggies and lawn equipment.
What is a mud sale in Lancaster County?
After a break during the pandemic, Lancaster County's mud sales are back. The sales are a big fundraiser for nonprofits like volunteer fire companies, schools and charities. They're also cherished community events where you can fill your plate and find a deal.
What is a mud sale?
A mud sale is an auction that raises money for the local fire company. Most of the auctions are Amish run. It is their way of giving back to the community. The typical mud sale sells anything from Amish made quilts, farming equipment, baked goods to handmade furniture.
What is an Amish auction?
Amish auctions are huge events where hundreds of items are offered up for bid. They are often called “mud sales” because they occur in the early spring when the ground has just begun to thaw. Here are some of the items you will frequently see for sale at an Amish auction: Quilts. Furniture.
Why do they call it a mud sale?
Mud Sales, so called because of the frequent rainy, muddy condition of the ground, are popular and fun auctions that bring together locals and visitors alike to bid and buy items that are up for auction.
In what county is Lancaster PA?
Lancaster CountyLancaster / County
Feb. 25-26: Strasburg Spring Sale
When: Friday’s auctions start at 4 p.m. and Saturday’s auctions start at 8 a.m. Benefits Strasburg Fire Company.
March 4, 5 and 19: Bart Twp. Fire Co. spring mud sales
When: The auctions Friday, March 4, start at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 5, the auctions (including quilts and tools) start at 8:30 a.m. and the March 19 sale (building materials and crafts) starts at 8:30 a.m. Benefits Bart Township Fire Company.
March 18-19: Penryn Fire Co. and Lime Rock School Mud Sale
When: Friday, chicken barbeque sales (drive-thru and eat-in) start at noon. Friday’s auctions start at 5 p.m. Saturday’s auctions start at 8:30 a.m. Benefits Penryn Company and Lime Rock School.
March 19: West Earl Fire Company Consignment and Quilt Auction
When: Saturday’s auctions start at 8 a.m. Benefits West Earl Fire Company.
March 25: Farmersville Fire Co. 47th Annual Community Auction
When: Friday’s auctions start at 4:30 p.m. Benefits Farmersville Fire Company.
March 26: Gap Fire Company Mud Sale
When: Saturday’s auctions start at 8 a.m. A decision has not been made about Friday auctions. Benefits Gap Fire Company.
April 2: Robert Fulton Spring Mud Sale
When: Saturday’s auctions start at 8 a.m. Benefits Robert Fulton Fire Company.
October 22 - October 22, 2022
Items to be sold include: Tools, household goods, shrubbery, horse tack, quilts, horses, sheds and outdoor furniture.
The 2022 Mud Sale is tentatively scheduled for October 22. Additional details are still being worked out and will be updated as soon as they become available
Items to be sold include: Tools, household goods, shrubbery, horse tack, quilts, horses, sheds and outdoor furniture.
When are Mud Sales Held?
Most sales begin at 8:00 or 8:30 AM sharp, with activities continuing until 2:00 to 3:00 PM for those who wish to catch a glimpse of some local color and enjoy sampling traditional Lancaster County farm fare.
What is mud sale?
Amish Mud Sales are a Lancaster County original tradition and refer to annual auctions or sales of Amish goods at a number of local fire companies. The sales attract thousands of people looking for bargains on anything from Amish quilts and antiques to lumber, buggies and lawn equipment.
How many auctions are there at a mud sale?
In a sight that may seem like organized chaos to novice mud sale visitors, six or seven auctions are conducted simultaneously.