Does the Town of Brookhaven recycle?
Mandatory Recycling is collected every week on Wednesdays. Paper recyclables and plastic/metal recyclables are collected on alternate Wednesdays (view recycling schedule (PDF)). Your items must be placed at the curb prior to 6:00 am on Wednesdays.
Does Brookhaven Town recycle glass?
Glass bottles and jars are no longer accepted with curbside recyclables. You can drop off free of charge at one of our satellite locations listed below. Glass colors may be mixed.
Is there garbage pick up on Juneteenth Brookhaven NY?
The New York City Department of Sanitation announced that in observance of Juneteenth, there will be no trash, recycling or compost collection, nor street cleaning, on Monday, June 20, 2022.
What can you recycle in the town of Brookhaven?
Paper and Cardboard RecyclingNewspaper.Office paper.Magazines.Junk mail.Paper bags.Catalogs.Envelopes.Construction paper.More items...
Is glass recyclable in Long Island?
Glass is no longer recycled curbside and must be brought to a special facility that accepts it. Sorting your trash is extremely important!
Is Juneteenth a Dsny holiday?
-- The city Department of Sanitation (DSNY) announced it would suspend operations on Monday, June 20, 2022, in observance of Juneteenth.
Is there garbage pick up on Juneteenth on Long Island?
Trash pickup Garbage, recycling and organics collection will not occur on Monday, June 20. There will also be no street cleaning. Residents whose usual garbage pickup day is Monday should put their trash out after 4 p.m. on Juneteenth.
Is there garbage pickup tomorrow in NYC?
There is no service today! Curbside Composting will be available to ALL residents in Queens starting Oct. 3, 2022!
Is Brookhaven a mandatory recycling program?
Residents are required by law to participate in Brookhaven’s Clean Up Recycle Brookhaven (CURB) mandatory recycling program.
Can you drop off glass bottles at the curb?
Glass bottles and jars are no longer accepted with curbside recyclables. You can drop off free of charge at one of our satellite locations.